Campaign Manager - Campaign Calendar

Using Campaign Calendar

The Campaign Calendar can be used to drill down to the information behind the figures, by using touches, filters and searches.

If the symbol displayed on the date contains a number, hover over the symbol for more detail:


Touches are only displayed for On a Schedule and On a Date tracks. .

Zoom in to expand the icon and display the individual tactics. Zoom out to collapse the icons into the aggregated symbol (with a number on it). For example if viewing the calendar at month level one icon per week is shown, but zooming in will expand the icon to show individual daily icons.

Tactic symbols are only displayed for on a schedule or on a date tracks that contain a tactic implementation tool.

The menu bar across the top of the campaign calendar allows you to:

  • Refresh the results by clicking on the refresh icon
  • Apply a filter to the Campaigns by clicking on the filter icon. From here you can select the Campaign Owner whose campaigns you would like to view or Select one or more Campaign statuses, for example:

  • Select Active to see active Campaigns, Paused or in Approval to see paused Campaigns, and if Approvals and notes is turned on all campaigns and their status throughout the approval process, Completed to see both completed and cancelled Campaigns and InMaintenance to see Campaigns pending archive.
  • The default sort applied to Campaigns is Campaign Name. Click on the sort icon to apply a different sort.

Any sort applied will remain during the time you are logged in. To return to the default sort click on Name.

  • Search for a Campaign Name by entering the name in the search box and clicking the Search icon.

The search functionality applies to the whole campaign system, not to any filters that have been applied.

Cancelling the search reverts back to your previously applied filter.

Campaigns can be opened from within the Campaign Calendar simply by clicking on the Campaign name. If a lock symbol appears on the campaign this Campaign is locked, if the campaign is locked by you i.e. open in Campaign Manager, you will be able to click on the link to open the campaign. However if the Campaign is locked by somebody else the link is disabled.

The information for each campaign displayed on the Calendar is as follows:

Name Description
Name The number of recipients in your campaign audience less any exclusions.
Exclusions The number of recipients excluded from this campaign audience.
Events The number of events captured against the campaign.

It is important to note if the previous capture metric was zero (0) then the percentage change will not be displayed - n/a will be displayed in its place.

If there are gaps in the data for example if no metric data was captured over a weekend then the percentage change indicator will display the difference between the last captured records.

For example, Monday compared with the previous Friday.

The following icons indicate the status of the campaign:

  • Campaign is Active
  • Campaign is Paused
  • Campaign is Canceled
  • Campaign is Completed

The data used is metric data so displays the last metric value captured (typically yesterday) and a percentage change over the previous metric data captured.

If a campaign is set to run for only one day then the track analysis page will not show the Campaign data, this is because the metric data snapshot will not have been taken before the Campaign end date.

Clicking on the Analysis button will take you to the Track Analysis page.

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